We promote commitment and responsibility

We offer classes, workshops and talks on organic gardening, environment and waste management including recycling and composting. We create awareness and provide hands-on education on how to protect and preserve our marine ecosystems.


  • Our organic garden serves as a learning hub where we conduct workshops about environmental awareness, nutrition, and sustainable food cultivation.

    • Teach Sustainable Gardening: Offer workshops on eco-friendly cultivation practices.

    • Promote Nutritional Knowledge: Educate on the benefits of organic foods.

    • Encourage Environmental Responsibility: Highlight the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems.

    • Enhance Community Involvement: Unite locals in learning and sharing gardening skills.

  • Practical activities on how to grow nutritious food from planting to harvesting.

    Basic principles of garden maintenance.

    Making and handling compost. Harvesting and cooking seasonal foods.


  • Education on recycling and environmental conservation is a key part of our mission, targeting residents, local businesses, tourists, collaborators, and students.

      • Educate Diverse Groups: Provide recycling and conservation education to residents, businesses, tourists, collaborators, and students.

      • Promote Environmental Conservation: Focus on teaching sustainable practices and the importance of preserving natural resources.

      • Engage the Community: Foster widespread participation in environmental initiatives among varied demographic groups.

      • Support Continuous Learning: Offer ongoing educational opportunities to keep the community informed and engaged in ecological efforts.

    • Offer a channel for emotional expression

  • Beach clean-up campaigns.

    Talks on the importance and protection of the marine ecosystem. Waste management and handling.

    Waste separation and recycling program



  • Our projects are dedicated to protecting marine and coastal ecosystems, we engage in various initiatives to safeguard these natural resources.

      • Protect Marine Ecosystems: Focus on conservation projects to preserve marine and coastal areas.

      • Engage in Initiatives: Participate in various efforts to safeguard marine biodiversity.

      • Promote Ecosystem Health: Advocate for the protection and sustainable management of coastal environments

  • Depending on activities, workshops or iniciatives


  • Education on recycling and environmental conservation is a key part of our mission, targeting residents, local businesses, tourists, collaborators, and students.

        • Celebrate Community Events: Organize celebrations for special holidays and important community moments.

        • Foster a Sense of Belonging: Create a welcoming atmosphere that encourages community participation.

        • Promote Programs: Use events as opportunities to showcase and expand outreach for various community programs.

  • Depending on particular events.